RAMCIN (PTY) LTD believes in the constitutional right of all employees, clients and communities to exist and work in an environment conducive to sustainable development and is committed to the highest standards of environmental protection throughout all phases of construction by upholding the basic principles of environmental management.

As such, RAMCIN (PTY) LTD fully acknowledge a moral and legal responsibility for the safeguarding of the environment and the well-being of all those affected by the Company's construction activities.

  • A project exists within a physical and socio-economic environment which must be respected
  • All environmental impact of a project should be addressed and managed responsibly
  • All interested and affected parties have the right to information relating to the environmental impacts of a project
  • The broader community should, if possible, enjoy sustainable benefit from a project
  • Community support is essential for the successful completion and subsequent operation of project
  • Implement, document, review and maintain an Environmental Management System based on impact assessments and in line with acceptable system standards
  • Ensure that communication of the Environmental Management System and its requirements to all personnel under its direction through induction and training
  • Monitor the effectiveness of this communication and the understanding of the requirement by individuals on the projects throughout their daily tasks
  • Enforce management responsibility within a prevent to ensure compliance with regulations and standards
  • Reduce and where possible, eliminate and prevent any harmful effects on the environment and community due to pollution or waste generation
  • Liaise openly with all interested and affected parties on environmental matters
  • Monitor and report upon the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System on an on-going basis to ensure continual improvement and complaince