The Management of RAMCIN (PTY) LTD has made the decision to have a fully integrated Quality Management System.  ISO9001:2015 certificated.

We have committed ourselves to institute and maintain such a quality system.

For this reason, all employees of every department of this Company will adhere to the Policies and execute the procedures described in the Manual of Procedures.

The Company's objectives are:


How can we achieve this?

  • By accepting our own individual Quality responsibilities
  • Understanding and accepting the need to have Quality System, Job Descriptions, Work Instructions, Policies and Procedures
  • Understanding and adhering to the Quality System requirements implemented
  • Actively participating in Improvement Programs
  • Ensuring self-discipline where quality issues are concerned
  • Taking pride in our work and ensuring that a Quality Product is produced right the first time
  • Accept that the Quality Audit System is for the benefit of all employees of the Company, and that we must all be prepared to be audited at any time
  • Accept that disciplinary measures have be taken against employees who ignore or disregard the Quality requirements
  • Accept the safety is not negotiable as well as accept the responsibility to report any misconduct and/or irregular actions
A combination of Contracting and Engineering is our field of specialty.  Top quality work can only be maintained by having a technical experienced team, the correct spares and a strong structure.

We think through each and every project very carefully before putting it on table, for the thereafter the system must run flawless. Even if it is a timeous-, breakdown- or shutdown project.

Although legislation is compelling most businesses to pursue equity at the highest strategic level, the RAMCIN (PTY) LTD approach is driven by sound business and moral ethics.  Our drive is primarily around the belief that the utilization of a diverse workforce offers a unique opportunity to optimize the performance of the company.  It is therefore imperative that equity is successfully implemented within all the various facets of business.

The role of leadership is going to be crucial in the implementation of the employment equity policy.

Without the leadership visibly driven and leading from the front, it is likely that the intentions of the policy will be fulfilled.